Shaker Peg Rail Complete Room Packages

Shop Shaker Peg Rail Complete Room Packages

If you are interested in installing Shaker Peg Rail in an entire room we can help.  From your measurements we can prepare the Shaker Peg Rail so that it is ready to install when you receive it.

  • We will lay out the proper Shaker Peg spacings into corners
  • All inside and outside miters will be pre-cut to fit your room corners
  • This Room package option is available for unfinished or pre-finished Shaker Peg Rail Orders
  • Provide us with a sketch of your room as shown below, include all measurements between corners of room and door & window trim where you would like the Shaker Peg Rail.  We advise to measure for the Shaker Peg Rail at the approximate height it will be installed
  • Photos are helpful if they can be included
  • Email your sketch to us at along with your Zip Code and we will provide you with a quote.  Please contact us if you have any questions

Shaker Peg Rail Complete Room Packages at Shaker Shoppe